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What You Heard HOT!

Over the course of a few short years, R&B trio Sonder suddenly emerged to offer a handful of some of the best R&B we had heard in ages, including their phenomenal 2017 EP, Into. Sadly, just like their brand of hazy R&B, the trio stepped back into the ether as quickly as they emerged. The sudden radio silence from Sonder was likely to allow vocalist Brent Faiyaz, who made up the trio alongside producers Atu and Dpat, time to focus on his solo project that was taking off at the same time. Whatever the reason may be, 2019 has seen the return of Sonder's otherworldly take on R&B, and we are here for every moment of it.

What You Heard

As employees of a communication company, everyone on our team feels extra pressure to be a strong communicator. How well we actually listen to what clients tell us determines whether they think we can help them transform.

Exploding head syndrome (EHS) is a type of sleep disorder in which you hear a loud noise or explosive crashing sound in your head. The sound isn't real or heard by anyone else. The episode typically happens suddenly either when you're beginning to fall asleep or when you wake up during the night.

Thunder is the sound caused by a nearby flash of lightning and can be heard for a distance of only about 10 miles from the lightning strike. The sound of thunder should serve as a warning to anyone outside that they are within striking distance of the storm and need to get to a safe place immediately!

Active listening helps you build trust and understand other people's situations and feelings. In turn, this empowers you to offer support and empathy. Unlike critical listening, active listening seeks to understand rather than reply. The goal is for the other person to be heard, validated, and inspired to solve their problems.

Reflection is the active listening technique that demonstrates that you understand and empathize with the person's feelings. In mirroring and summarizing what they've said, they feel heard and understood.

I will write to you from the mines and then shall be able to speak of my own knowledge. I believe all that is told, for this reason, that more than all I have heard has been realized by observation, and the old saying that you are to believe nothing you hear and but half you see, will fail here.

The accounts from the mines are very contradictory; you can believe nothing that you hear in this country, and only one half of what you see; but I am perfectly satisfied that there is gold in abundance here, and that it is to be obtained only through the hardest kind of labor, hardships and privations.

Encourage your child to become a better listener and grow confidence in their listening skills. If your child isn't sure of what was said or doesn't appear to understand, they may ask "Huh?" or, "What?" to respond. Ask them, "What did you hear?" More often than not, your child heard part of the message. By asking, you'll know what information needs to be repeated and they may be able to determine what was said on their own.

When you use What Did You Hear, you're helping your child grow their confidence in listening, talking, and thinking. As they expand their knowledge of language, they'll begin to fill in parts of what's said to them, use context clues, and learn to ask specific questions to clarify what they heard.

It can be stated, with practically no qualification, that people in general do not know how to listen. They have ears that hear very well, but seldom have they acquired the necessary aural skills which would allow those ears to be used effectively for what is called listening.

For several years we have been testing the ability of people to understand and remember what they hear. At the University of Minnesota we examined the listening ability of several thousand students and of hundreds of business and professional people. In each case the person tested listened to short talks by faculty members and was examined for his grasp of the content.

A, the boss, is talking to B, the subordinate, about a new program that the firm is planning to launch. B is a poor listener. In this instance, he tries to listen well, but he has difficulty concentrating on what A has to say.

There is plenty of time for B to do just what he has done, dash away from what he hears and then return quickly, and he continues taking sidetracks to his own private thoughts. Indeed, he can hardly avoid doing this because over the years the process has become a strong aural habit of his.

But, sooner or later, on one of the mental sidetracks, B is almost sure to stay away too long. When he returns, A is moving along ahead of him. At this point it becomes harder for B to understand A, simply because B has missed part of the oral message. The private mental sidetracks become more inviting than ever, and B slides off onto several of them. Slowly he misses more and more of what A has to say.

The newspapers reported not too long ago that a church was torn down in Europe and shipped stone by stone to America, where it was reassembled in its original form. The moving of the church is analogous to what happens when a person speaks and is understood by a listener. The talker has a thought. To transmit his thought, he takes it apart by putting it into words. The words, sent through the air to the listener, must then be mentally reassembled into the original thought if they are to be thoroughly understood. But most people do not know what to listen for, and so cannot reconstruct the thought.

Memorizing facts is, to begin with, a virtual impossibility for most people in the listening situation. As one fact is being memorized, the whole, or part, of the next fact is almost certain to be missed. When he is doing his very best, the listener is likely to catch only a few facts, garble many others, and completely miss the remainder. Even in the case of people who can aurally assimilate all the facts that they hear, one at a time as they hear them, listening is still likely to be at a low level; they are concerned with the pieces of what they hear and tend to miss the broad areas of the spoken communication.

If we hear something that opposes our most deeply rooted prejudices, notions, convictions, mores, or complexes, our brains may become over-stimulated, and not in a direction that leads to good listening. We mentally plan a rebuttal to what we hear, formulate a question designed to embarrass the talker, or perhaps simply turn to thoughts that support our own feelings on the subject at hand. For example:

When emotions make listening too easy, it usually results from hearing something which supports the deeply rooted inner feelings that we hold. When we hear such support, our mental barriers are dropped and everything is welcomed. We ask few questions about what we hear; our critical faculties are put out of commission by our emotions. Thinking drops to a minimum because we are hearing thoughts that we have harbored for years in support of our inner feelings. It is good to hear someone else think those thoughts, so we lazily enjoy the whole experience.

(7) Record a number of actual briefing sessions that may be held by plant superintendents or others. When new people go to work for the company, ask them to listen to these sessions as part of their initial training. Check their comprehension of what they hear by means of brief objective tests. Emphasize that this is being done because listening is important on the new jobs.

(8) Set up role-playing situations wherein executives are asked to cope with complaints comparable to those that they might hear from subordinates. Ask observers to comment on how well an executive seems to listen. Do his remarks reflect a good job of listening? Does he keep himself from becoming emotionally involved in what the subordinate says? Does the executive listen in a way which would encourage the subordinate to talk freely?

Not all of these suggestions are applicable to every situation, of course. Each firm will have to adapt them to its own particular needs. The most important thing, however, may not be what happens when a specific suggestion is followed, but rather simply what happens when people become aware of the problem of listening and of what improved aural skills can do for their jobs and their businesses.

Now that you understand what the 6 active listening techniques are, seriously consider whether you are a truly active listener. You may want to try growing your active listening skillset by taking our 7-day active listening challenge.

We go through life and sometimes not give sounds a second thought; celebrations, whispers, children, pets, and even the everyday sounds that may not register when your conscious is busy with other tasks. We want you to engage with us and tell us your stories on sound and what sounds are important to you.

Listening is most frequently associated with hearing through the ears but we have many sources of hearing, through our heart, our intuition and all of our senses. Engaging and listening with our body awareness and intelligence is a practice of quiet patience, which frees us up from the chatter of inner and outer voices and the desensitizing sounds of telephones, computers and environmental noise. Engaged listening is hearing between words and beyond what is spoken, focusing on listening to what the speaker holds relevant, essential and most important. Through the practice of holistic listening, we can increase our self-awareness to become more aligned with, and authentically present in our actions. This experiential, reflective workshop provides multiple opportunities for participants to practice and expand their listening capacity and capability.

First, they want to learn whether you heard about the position from their employee, which could give you leverage over the other applicants. Second, they may want to know if you found out about the job through a job board or another website so they can gauge where their recruitment efforts are most effective. 041b061a72


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