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Warhammer Fantasy Lore: The Vampire Counts and Their Undead Legions

Vampire Counts 8th PDF Army Book: A Guide for Warhammer Fantasy Fans

If you are a fan of Warhammer Fantasy, you probably know about the vampire counts, one of the most iconic and popular armies in the game. The vampire counts are a faction of undead creatures led by powerful vampires who seek to conquer and enslave the living. They have a rich and dark history, a diverse and deadly army, and a unique and challenging playstyle.

vampire counts 8th pdf army book

But how can you learn more about the vampire counts and their secrets? How can you master their rules and tactics? How can you immerse yourself in their lore and culture? The answer is simple: by reading the vampire counts 8th pdf army book.

The vampire counts 8th pdf army book is a digital version of the official rulebook for the vampire counts army in Warhammer Fantasy. It contains everything you need to know about the vampire counts, from their origins and history, to their units and characters, to their magic and items. It also provides tips and strategies for playing as or against the vampire counts, as well as sources and references for further exploration.

In this article, we will give you a comprehensive guide on how to use and enjoy the vampire counts 8th pdf army book. We will cover the following topics:

  • The history and lore of the vampire counts

  • The rules and mechanics of the vampire counts army

  • The tactics and strategies of the vampire counts army

  • The resources and references for the vampire counts army book

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the vampire counts and their role in Warhammer Fantasy. You will also have access to a free download link for the vampire counts 8th pdf army book, as well as other useful resources. So let's get started!

The History and Lore of the Vampire Counts

The first thing you need to know about the vampire counts is their history and lore. The vampire counts are not just mindless undead minions; they are ancient beings with complex personalities, motivations, and goals. They have a rich and fascinating backstory that spans thousands of years, involving wars, betrayals, alliances, romances, curses, rituals, secrets, and more.

The origins of the vampire counts can be traced back to Nehekhara, an ancient civilization that was once ruled by powerful kings who achieved immortality through necromantic magic. However, one of these kings, Nagash, became corrupted by his lust for power and sought to enslave all living and dead under his will. He created the first vampires from his loyal followers, who drank his blood and gained a portion of his power. However, these vampires rebelled against Nagash and fled from Nehekhara, spreading across the world and forming their own bloodlines.

The main bloodlines of the vampires are:

  • The Von Carsteins, who are the most famous and influential of the vampires. They are based in Sylvania, a province of the Empire, and have a reputation for being charismatic, cunning, and ambitious. They are led by Mannfred von Carstein, the last of the line of Vlad von Carstein, who almost conquered the Empire in a series of wars known as the Vampire Wars.

  • The Lahmians, who are the descendants of Neferata, the first vampire and the former queen of Lahmia, a city in Nehekhara. They are mostly female and specialize in seduction, manipulation, and espionage. They have a hidden network of agents and allies across the world, and seek to influence and control the affairs of mortals.

  • The Blood Dragons, who are the followers of Abhorash, the former general of Lahmia and the greatest warrior among the vampires. They are obsessed with martial prowess and honor, and seek to challenge and defeat the strongest foes they can find. They have a code of conduct that forbids them from drinking the blood of the weak or unworthy.

  • The Necrarchs, who are the spawn of W'soran, the former high priest of Nagash and the master of necromancy. They are twisted and deformed by their experiments with dark magic, and care little for anything but their research and knowledge. They are reclusive and secretive, and often create horrific monsters and abominations from their laboratories.

  • The Strigoi, who are the cursed descendants of Ushoran, the former king of Strigos, a kingdom in the Badlands. They were once noble and benevolent rulers, but were betrayed and destroyed by their human allies during a war against Nagash. They have degenerated into feral and bestial creatures, shunned by both mortals and vampires. They long for their lost glory and seek to restore their kingdom.

These bloodlines have different characteristics, abilities, and goals, but they all share a common bond: they are vampires, and they are hated and feared by most living beings. They have faced many enemies and challenges throughout history, such as Nagash's return, the rise of Sigmar and the Empire, the invasions of Chaos, the crusades of the Bretonnians, the hunts of the Witch Hunters, and more. They have also fought among themselves for power and supremacy, sometimes forming alliances or rivalries with other vampires or factions.

The vampire counts are not just a single army; they are a collection of diverse and dynamic characters and factions that have shaped the history and lore of Warhammer Fantasy. By reading the vampire counts 8th pdf army book, you can learn more about their stories and personalities, as well as their relationships with other races and factions in the game.

The Rules and Mechanics of the Vampire Counts Army

The next thing you need to know about the vampire counts is their rules and mechanics. The vampire counts army is one of the most unique and distinctive armies in Warhammer Fantasy, with its own strengths and weaknesses that set it apart from other factions. The vampire counts army has several features that define its playstyle:

  • The vampire counts army is an undead army. This means that all its units are immune to psychology (such as fear or terror) and do not take morale tests or flee from combat. However, this also means that they are bound to their master's will and cannot act independently. If their general (usually a vampire lord or a necromancer) is slain or leaves the battlefield, they will crumble and die.

  • The vampire counts army relies heavily on magic. The vampire counts have access to two unique lores of magic: Lore of Vampires and Lore of Death. These lores allow them to heal their units, raise new ones from the dead, debuff or damage their enemies, or buff themselves with various effects. Magic is essential for the vampire counts to maintain their army and gain an edge over their foes.

The vampire counts army has a wide range of units and characters. The vampire counts can field various types of undead creatures in their army, such as zombies, skeletons, ghouls, wights, wraiths, bats, wolves, ghosts, dragons, terrorgheists, vargheists, varghulfs, corpse carts, black coaches and more. Each unit has its own role and function in the army, such as tanking, The Rules and Mechanics of the Vampire Counts Army

The next thing you need to know about the vampire counts is their rules and mechanics. The vampire counts army is one of the most unique and distinctive armies in Warhammer Fantasy, with its own strengths and weaknesses that set it apart from other factions. The vampire counts army has several features that define its playstyle:

  • The vampire counts army is an undead army. This means that all its units are immune to psychology (such as fear or terror) and do not take morale tests or flee from combat. However, this also means that they are bound to their master's will and cannot act independently. If their general (usually a vampire lord or a necromancer) is slain or leaves the battlefield, they will crumble and die.

  • The vampire counts army relies heavily on magic. The vampire counts have access to two unique lores of magic: Lore of Vampires and Lore of Death. These lores allow them to heal their units, raise new ones from the dead, debuff or damage their enemies, or buff themselves with various effects. Magic is essential for the vampire counts to maintain their army and gain an edge over their foes.

  • The vampire counts army has a wide range of units and characters. The vampire counts can field various types of undead creatures in their army, such as zombies, skeletons, ghouls, wights, wraiths, bats, wolves, ghosts, dragons, terrorgheists, vargheists, varghulfs, corpse carts, black coaches and more. Each unit has its own role and function in the army, such as tanking, damage dealing, flanking, scouting, flying, or supporting. The vampire counts also have several powerful and charismatic characters, such as vampire lords, necromancers, blood knights, wight kings, banshees, necromancers, and more. These characters can act as generals, heroes, wizards, or champions for the army, and can be customized with different skills, items, and mounts.

  • The vampire counts army has a high risk and reward playstyle. The vampire counts army can be very powerful and resilient when played well, but it can also be very vulnerable and fragile when played poorly. The vampire counts army requires careful management of magic, leadership, and positioning to avoid crumbling or being overwhelmed by superior numbers or quality. The vampire counts army also has some weaknesses that can be exploited by savvy opponents, such as lack of shooting, low mobility, low initiative, and susceptibility to fire or magic damage.

The vampire counts army is not an easy army to play, but it can be very rewarding and fun for those who enjoy a challenge and a different way of playing Warhammer Fantasy. By reading the vampire counts 8th pdf army book, you can learn more about the rules and mechanics of the vampire counts army, as well as how to build and optimize your own army list.

The Tactics and Strategies of the Vampire Counts Army

The third thing you need to know about the vampire counts is their tactics and strategies. The vampire counts army is not a straightforward or simple army to play; it requires a lot of planning, creativity, and adaptation to succeed on the battlefield. The vampire counts army has several tactics and strategies that can help you win your battles:

  • The first tactic is to use magic wisely. Magic is one of the main strengths of the vampire counts army, and it can make a huge difference in your battles. You should always try to maximize your magic potential by choosing the right lore, spells, items, and targets for your wizards. You should also try to conserve your magic power by using it only when necessary or when you have an advantage. You should also try to disrupt your enemy's magic by using dispel scrolls, arcane items, or counterspells.

  • The second tactic is to use leadership effectively. Leadership is another key factor for the vampire counts army, as it determines how long your units can stay on the battlefield without crumbling. You should always try to protect your general and keep him within range of your units. You should also try to boost your leadership by using banners, items, spells, or abilities that grant bonuses or immunity to crumbling. You should also try to lower your enemy's leadership by using fear, terror, spells, or abilities that cause penalties or tests.

  • The third tactic is to use synergy efficiently. Synergy is the combination of different units or abilities that work well together and create a greater effect than individually. You should always try to create synergy in your army by choosing units and characters that complement each other and form a cohesive and balanced force. You should also try to exploit synergy in your battles by using units and abilities that enhance or support each other and create favorable situations or outcomes.

  • The fourth tactic is to use mobility cleverly. Mobility is the ability to move quickly and freely on the battlefield, and it can be a decisive factor in your battles. You should always try to improve your mobility by using units or abilities that grant bonuses or options to movement, such as flying, marching, vanguard, swiftstride, or ethereal. You should also try to use your mobility by maneuvering your units or characters to the best positions or locations on the battlefield, such as flanks, rear, hills, forests, or objectives.

  • The fifth tactic is to use diversity smartly. Diversity is the variety of different units or abilities that you have in your army, and it can be a useful tool in your battles. You should always try to increase your diversity by using units or abilities that offer different roles or functions in your army, such as combat, magic, shooting, scouting, flying, or supporting. You should also try to use your diversity by adapting your army or strategy to different scenarios or opponents, such as terrain, weather, army size, army type, or playstyle.

The vampire counts army is not a one-trick pony; it can employ various tactics and strategies to achieve victory on the battlefield. By reading the vampire counts 8th pdf army book, you can learn more about the tactics and strategies of the vampire counts army, as well as how to apply them in different situations or against different enemies.

The Resources and References for the Vampire Counts Army Book

The last thing you need to know about the vampire counts is their resources and references. The vampire counts 8th pdf army book is not the only source of information or inspiration for the vampire counts army; there are many other books and materials that can enrich your knowledge and enjoyment of the vampire counts. Here are some of the resources and references that you can use for the vampire counts army book:

  • The first resource is the Warhammer Fantasy rulebook. This is the core rulebook for Warhammer Fantasy, and it contains the basic rules and mechanics for playing the game. It also contains some background information and lore for Warhammer Fantasy, as well as some scenarios and missions for playing battles. You will need this book to play Warhammer Fantasy with any army, including the vampire counts.

  • The second resource is the Warhammer Armies: Undead book. This is an older book that was released before the vampire counts 8th pdf army book, and it contains some rules and lore for the vampire counts army that are no longer valid or updated. However, it also contains some interesting and useful information and lore for the vampire counts army that are still relevant or compatible with the current edition. You can use this book as a supplement or a reference for the vampire counts 8th pdf army book.

  • The third resource is the Warhammer Chronicles: Nagash book. This is a newer book that was released after the vampire counts 8th pdf army book, and it contains some rules and lore for Nagash, the lord of undeath and the creator of the vampires. It also contains some rules and lore for his followers and enemies, such as Arkhan the Black, Neferata, Mannfred von Carstein, Sigmar, Alcadizaar, and more. You can use this book as an expansion or an update for the vampire counts 8th pdf army book.

  • The fourth resource is the Warhammer novels and comics. These are various books and comics that are based on Warhammer Fantasy, and they contain stories and characters that are related to the vampire counts army. Some examples are The Vampire Genevieve series by Jack Yeovil, The Von Carstein Trilogy by Steven Savile, The Rise of Nagash series by Mike Lee, The Blood of Nagash series by Josh Reynolds, and more. You can use these books and comics as sources of inspiration or entertainment for the vampire counts army.

The Resources and References for the Vampire Counts Army Book

The last thing you need to know about the vampire counts is their resources and references. The vampire counts 8th pdf army book is not the only source of information or inspiration for the vampire counts army; there are many other books and materials that can enrich your knowledge and enjoyment of the vampire counts. Here are some of the resources and references that you can use for the vampire counts army book:

  • The first resource is the Warhammer Fantasy rulebook. This is the core rulebook for Warhammer Fantasy, and it contains the basic rules and mechanics for playing the game. It also contains some background information and lore for Warhammer Fantasy, as well as some scenarios and missions for playing battles. You will need this book to play Warhammer Fantasy with any army, including the vampire counts.

  • The second resource is the Warhammer Armies: Undead book. This is an older book that was released before the vampire counts 8th pdf army book, and it contains some rules and lore for the vampire counts army that are no longer valid or updated. However, it also contains some interesting and useful information and lore for the vampire counts army that are still relevant or compatible with the current edition. You can use this book as a supplement or a reference for the vampire counts 8th pdf army book.

  • The third resource is the Warhammer Chronicles: Nagash book. This is a newer book that was released after the vampire counts 8th pdf army book, and it contains some rules and lore for Nagash, the lord of undeath and the creator of the vampires. It also contains some rules and lore for his followers and enemies, such as Arkhan the Black, Neferata, Mannfred von Carstein, Sigmar, Alcadizaar, and more. You can use this book as an expansion or an update for the vampire counts 8th pdf army book.

  • The fourth resource is the Warhammer novels and comics. These are various books and comics that are based on Warhammer Fantasy, and they contain stories and characters that are related to the vampire counts army. Some examples are The Vampire Genevieve series by Jack Yeovil, The Von Carstein Trilogy by Steven Savile, The Rise of Nagash series by Mike Lee, The Blood of Nagash series by Josh Reynolds, and more. You can use these books and comics as sources of inspiration or entertainment for the vampire counts army.

  • The fifth resource is the Warhammer online communities and forums. These are various websites and platforms where you can interact with other Warhammer Fantasy fans and players who share your interest in the vampire counts army. Some examples are The Carpe Noctem forum (, The Undying Dynasties forum (, The Total War: Warhammer subreddit (, The Warhammer Fantasy Wiki (, and more. You can use these online communities and forums as places to ask questions, get advice, share ideas, or join discussions about the vampire counts army.

The vampire counts 8th pdf army book is not an isolated or static document; it is part of a larger and dynamic world of Warhammer Fantasy that has many other resources and references that can enhance your experience and enjoyment of the game. By using these resources and references, you can learn more about the vampire counts army book, as well as discover new aspects or perspectives of Warhammer Fantasy.

Conclusion: How to Enjoy the Vampire Counts 8th PDF Army Book

We have reached the end of this article, and we hope that you have learned a lot about the vampire counts 8th pdf army book. We have covered four main topics in this article:

  • The history and lore of the vampire counts

The rules


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